We are committed to being and doing better.
We stand with all who know #BlackLivesMatter
"Change isn't easy, but it starts by questioning what we have always done or believe. In every day, we must continue to listen more, to learn more, to speak out, and to take steps that ensure a better life for all.
We can all help become the change we want, need, to see. Think, speak or read differently. Each of us can do more"
Kristy Chong
Founder & CEO Modibodi
Actions we are taking
- Donating to organisations that are helping the cause
- Educating ourselves
- Listening
- Make more space for BIPOC
- Be proactive allies to BIPOC
- Be actively anti-racist
- Support BIPOC businesses, organisations and creators
- We acknowledge that this injustice also exists in Australia for our First Nations people and have shared resource links for our community who want to join in taking action.
We will continue to listen, learn and educate ourselves.
We will commit this time to not only thoughts but actions, to use our platform and resources to actively support and make space for BIPOC.
We are committed to long lasting change within our company, community and the world.
To participate in protests and vigils within Australia, find information per state here.
To sign petitions demanding justice for Black lives in the USA, find information on change.org.
To sign petitions demanding justice for Black lives in Australia, find information on change.org.
To donate to the support of North Australian Aboriginal Justice Agency, find information here.
To donate to the support of Bridging the Gap, a foundation for the improvement of Indigenous health and education, find information here.
Why I’m No Longer Talking to White People About Race by Reni Eddo-Lodge
White Teeth by Zadie Smith